25 July 2006

welcome to public jerks blog - i'm dianagee - and i will be one half of what this blog will become - the other half will be terencedee - my good friend and dear friend - he is quite possibly one of the most talented people i know and quite possibly the only good thing that came out of dating my exgirlfriend joanne - he absolutely astonishes me - at any rate - we are blogging together at last - we are going to take turns writing and responding and the like - so its going to be a mishmash of not just my thoughts and not just his thoughts - but a compilation that includes our friendship and our dynamic and the stuff that you get when you merge two peoples minds and hearts - i live in toronto where i do my phd and terence lives in brooklyn where he works and the like - we met in stony brook a long time ago - so yeah - this will be a wonderful way of continuing to grow as people and as friends when we are so far far away from eachother -

- there is no theme outside of talking about what we feel like talking about -its just us and thats it - word -

so welcome and i hope you enjoy -


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