07 October 2007

well well well - we meet again....

i haven't a clue what i should write - so much is going on - so much is up in the air - like a circus performer i have alot of balls in the air now - and i am trying my hardest to not drop them - because in juggling - the tendency is to not just drop one - but to drop them all - perhaps i should use a different, less dramatic metaphor next time - but i am a dramatic person after all - my therapist would agree -

at any rate - the winds of change are blowing and as ani would say

"fate is not just whose cooking smells good, but which way the wind blows"

and that is my life right now - played in part by my decision making - by how much i want things and how i can work them out - and the other half is just the world doing its magic -

so change is coming - and i am accepting that things inevitably must change - and in general in my life change has been good - up until the most recent parts of my life this has held true - the mid-twenties took a turn for the not so good in the change dept - but thats what therapy is for -

and if you haven't picked up on the change connection to the photo already - know that this amount is of money is enough to get you on the subway - but even that is changing - pretty soon you will need more than this - nothing stays the same i guess - not even change

wish me luck - there will be fun adventures on the horizon to blog about -

terencedee - the proverbial ball is in your court......


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