things are still fab in loveland - eric is still a dream - and we are more in love every minute of everyday - long distance is difficult as you can imagine - but there are charming things about being able to tell the kids that we were living in diff cities when we met and so on - {yes kids...we are no fucking joke over here}and of course there is something incredible about meeting up in airport and train stations and bus stations all over the place - its such an incredible way to enter into a relationship on some level - and of course its not the optimal because i dont want to be away from him for one second for the rest of time - but i have to say that there is something beautiful in this experience that ought to be recognized and shared - call me a sap - but life is too short to be too embarrassed to share your sappy emotions - i love the guy - like alot!
other than that - things are still weird on the academic front - i am no longer manic but i fear that as soon as my toe sets down on dissertation land that i am going to go back to the complete meltdown that my comps once were for me - where i was reading and crying on a daily basis - where submitting comps was a painful and sickening {literally} experience - but i am going to see what i can do to prevent further academic breakdowns - maybe i just needed a mental break - and i certainly got one - or should i say - gave myself one - and thank my non-existent god for that
i am currently TAing this course on 'Motherhood and Mothering' - its a full year course condensed into six weeks so its the reading load of some of my grad courses because i am reading like a five hundred pages {at least} a week - PLUS novels - which is overwhelming but really good for me - its only been a week but i really like my bunch so far - they all have alot of really great things to say and are already critically thinking about ALOT of things - asking questions about how class, race, ability and sexuality all affect/mediate the experiences of mothers, kids, families and larger institutions - I even had a twenty minute convo with mom about the post WWII period and how my mothers own experience related to the ideas that we are talking about in this class - AMAZING, eh? me talking to mom about mothering, her experience AND get this, feminist theories of mothering - AMAZING is right!
and finally - its summer - finally - i know that in the 'real' world it's spring - but i am teaching a summer class and i dont need a thousand layers to step out into canadas painful winter - and that makes it summer in toronto - and its amazing to live here in the summer - its a ton of fun - drinking on patios - walking around without a destination or even in a hurry - its amazing what a painful warm winter will do to make you really appreciate summer {all the canadians are laughing at me now because i am calling toronto winter 'painful' but i didnt grow up in ottawa or st. john's or nothern manitoba - so i am a wimp - but its fucking cold here ok!}
so this picture is me giving toronto summer a thumbs up - cause it rules to be here when its like this outside - except when you have to do comps - stupid comps - always ruining everything -
so come visit friends - and see the wonders of a canadian summer!!!
i guess thats it - for now - i need to go read - and read and read -
terence my love -
the hypothetical ball is in your hypothetical court my love -
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