so i find that it's the little things that make living in canada so different and amazing - things like this photo - when i was driving to new brunswick/nouveau brunswick (it's the only bilingual province so i am being pc, duh!) i was completely freaking out in the car with claire in quebec when we drove by this - yes - it's true - KFC is PFK in quebec - because of course the french acronym would be different - but i was really freaking out - YELLING IN THE CAR - TAKING PICTURES - if you know me - and i assume most of you who read this blog do - then you can imagine the complete freak out i had when i saw this - and of course - ottawa born and bread claire is all like 'whatever' to my insane freak out - these canadians are used to the french all over the place - little do they know how much joy it brings to my ridiculous life - though i get excited about a freshly sharpened pencil too so maybe i need a timeout - although - everyone was talking about how excited i was about spumoni gardens pizza in brooklyn and they were into it - i mean - its good fucking pizza - i live for that shit - on a hot summer night when you have to wait in line with like ten guys named tony in their muscle shirts standing in front of you dripping ices all over themselves like babies - it gets me every time -
so tonight i had another one of those moments that makes living in canada so special and great - i went to a friends house for tea and i told her i had just started bleeding (no i didn't cut myself - my uterus is contracting, duh!) and she gave me PMS tea - and if you have ever been to canada you know that everything has both english and french on it - and so i turned the box of tea over to look at the french side and guess what - PMS isn't PMS in french - it's SPM - isn't that amazing - i was once again filled with the joy that is canadian living -
so after talking so much smack in my previous post about being back in canada and not being able to access the showtime website from here - i am now redeeming and defending 'my home up north' and giving it super props for continuing to make me so giddy about such simple things - though eric seems to be making me unbelievably giddy these days as it is - and he will soon enjoy the amazingness that is canada too - which is awesome - so so awesome!
so keltie - this blog is for you - know how much joy canada brings to my life - if this doesn't redeem my previous post i will just have to make you a duct tape wallet instead....
You are redeemed! And awesome!
I still want my duct tape wallet, though. I'm going to make you something special in return, OK?
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