by official adult, i mean one with a job that isn't faking smiles and wiping people's mouths off for the mere POSSIBILITY of a 15% tip.
i talked to the transfer counselor today, and she said i should take an intersession class and go full time in the spring, and then apply to hunter and see where that gets me.
i can count on every appendage of my body how many times i've fucked school up, and often times that counting makes me count the hairs on my head, that's how many times.
i am watching SUPREME PRESIDENT OF AWESOME GEORGE W. BUSH in a press conference, and he's talking business and smiles, courage, conviction. i really love the way he says "KOREA" and "MILITIA." he's almost got this gay lisp thing going on, which is sort of adorable. it's always everyone elses fault, is what i am getting out of this press conference. democracy, democracy, democracy. the blood he bathes in daily makes his skin positively radiant, a shiny beacon of light atop the hill.
i am begging for a HELEN THOMAS CAMEO, because she is all kinds of woman.
last thing: the new BLOW album, PAPER TELEVISION, is all kinds of INCREDIBLE, tightly packed into roughly 30 minutes. it holds me close and tells me that everything is going to be alright, even if things being alright is a false concept, an intangible gospel lie.
post-script: sorry to do this to you diana, but the new cat power video for the song, "lived in bars" is probably one of the most sincerely sweet and honest music videos i've seen in ages.
post-post-script: also, anyone who reads this blog, and has their own should leave a comment and diana gee and i will add yours to the sidebar. provided, of course you requite the feeling.

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