there was a sun shower on thursday.
i was leaving my work to go and pick up some fly traps (the sticky, coil kind) and just as i was about to open the door i see a torrential downpour in broad daylight.
i say to my co-workers, "hey! check this out! it's incredible!"
i run and grab my camera and the photo to your left is the first one i take.
the woman laughs a sweet and playful laugh after the snap, as if she is saying to me, "this is pretty fucking cool, right?"
that laugh justifies my split-second decision to grab my camera.
my diet has consisted lately of hebrew national 98% fat free beef hot dogs, weed, camel light cigarettes (i know, i know), water and beer. i have to say, despite the gospel truths of my diet, i look pretty good.
i am still in that in-between. i don't really mind because the truth is, in-betweens make a pretty sweet quilt when the real fucking world starts blowing frigid air into your spaces.
i'm going to leave you with a song my older brother and i wrote when i was in kindergarten and he was in fourth grade.
jack frost, he's a real ace
he rapped on my window and
i shot him in the face
replace jack frost with anything that's giving you shit in your life and you might start coming up aces and roses.

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