'Enter Sandman' should never be played on the Subway
so i am walking in the subway the other day and this man who is playing electric guitar for money is playing the most horrendous version of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" in the most noodly awful way possible and all i could think was 'is this how my day is going to end - is this what is going to sum up my life??' - some 80's metal song bouncing off the glass and metal bars of a subway hallway - some guy playing this song for loonies and toonies and any spare change - everyone walking around humming this ripped up shitty version of this song while they commute home or to the mall or to whereever people go - what made this man think that 'enter sandman' was a good idea at that moment - why not a little simon and garfunkel - or maybe something more modern and sappy - some death cab for cutie or some bright eyes - something that doesn't sound so awful when you are playing some noodly version of it on the toronto subway all by your lonesome self - why, i ask? why?maybe i need to relax and not think so much about everything - like why every single year i have been teaching there have been twins in the class and they always take the same tutorial - you would think they would split it up and make the sweet valley high swtich up much more subtle - but no - or asking why my nieghbors think that kareoke is a good idea - maybe i need to take a step back from the ridiculous things that make life seem so... well..... ridiculous - and stop worrying that everything is just some facade to cover up the human misery that lives somewhere deep in us all - stop imagining that we really are just a loose cannon about to go off and that all the love in the world and all the caring and all the beauty that you can imagine is going to disappear - or that all the love and all the hate and everything is simply pointless - and that we are doing all of this for absolutely no fucking reason other than to keep our silly little lives full of shit - full of absolute shit - maybe its the past of broken hearts talking - maybe its the abd blues - or maybe i am actually going to fulfill my existential freak out and just go off my rocker - but i am starting to feel like even the good is still shit - i mean... love is shit - and loving people and then living far away or having them die or having them break your heart or something like that is just shit - its all shit - or its all suffering - like the buddhists have argued for centuries - love is suffering - happiness is suffering - i don't know - maybe the noodly version of enter sandman just set me off - maybe it was a bad day - or maybe i am right and this is all just a big pile of shit - either way - this is a note to all subway performers out there - do me a fucking favor - don't play metallica all by yourself to a bunch of subway riders on a thursday night - it totally sucks ok - it just plain sucks...
I know all too well where this post is coming from. And yes happiness and suffering are two different sides of the same coin. Valleys and peaks baby, thats life as Ol' Blue Eyes would say.
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