07 January 2007

hey friends - and a happy new years to us all - i must first apologize for being a complete luddite for the past month for failing to blog like it's my job - i went to new york - as most of you know - and i generally moved around for the entire month - i seriously think that the most amount of time i stayed in one place was two nights - seriously - i am not joking - but i spent every night that i was in new york state with people i love so who the hell am i to complain...the goings on tend to be generally good these days and my trip was the most fantastical amazing part of my life ever... though lots of chaos ensued with the ex that remarkably isnt giving me a psychedelic freakout -

here is the breakdown - if you aren't interested in my rambly details stop reading here!
*i began my trip in albany where i went gay dancing and was incredibly incredibly drunk - then i had ex drama - then i went to new york where i got incredibly drunk at caddyshack and danced on the stage - which terence will not stop reminding me about - i followed this up with seeing my sister and my folks which was awesome and then went out east to see my lovely amber and cheryl - i even managed to work from stony brook with a train while i was there - walking up the zebra path and talking with amber was so sweet - my little heart melts as i think about it - i eventually came back to BK and hung out with adi at east 3rd and made plans to go to a protest with her on the 21st - which is where i met the cutest boy on earth (which is what he will be referred to as until i can feel not like a creepy psycho writing his name over and over again in my blog) - when asked about me blair proceeded to tell him i only date girls but i managed to get my digs into her and get her to call him back and tell him that i think he is adorable and tell him that i want to hang out when he gets back from the midwest -

then x-mas came and nothing much to report -

then me adi and tara saw rocky 6 and it blew our fucking minds - he is amazing - he (and by he i mean rocky, duh!) is a philosopher in this one and is totally dramatic and soap opera like - it ruled - seriously it did - we also played the alphabet game because my legs were itchy - why were they itchy?? who knows - but the alphabet game became an awesome distraction that included me and cutest boy going on a picnic - hi can i be obsessed -

then denise had her cocktail party where i got loaded and yelled about rocky with my cousins - i ate alot of cookies and had alot alot alot of beer - it was fun to be around the old staten island crew - but the night was still young because tara.. in her amazingness...picked me up from south south south brooklyn and drove me back up to east 3rd to meet up with cutest boy and go to caddyshack where we made out like maniacs all night - we even got yelled at for being in a lesbian bar to which i yelled back about people not knowing gender ident - i proceeded to wake up the next day with the worst hangover i have had in a LONG time and i also had the biggest stubble wound known to human kind - wow my face was fucked up - everyone was yelling about it when they saw it - but cutest boy ever decided to wear bandaids out on new years eve to keep my broken face safe - can he be great???

i had a wonderful new years and proceeded to spend the remaining time i had in brooklyn with the cutest boy on earth until we had to sadly part ways - i went to albany for a night of yelling with some old albany friends over an ichiban dinner - and if you have never been to ichiban i can tell you that its not the best place to yell because its the size of my pinky -

and now i am back in canada - its been amazing to see the friends again and to hug and love everyone here - i also saw emily haines last night at the very very cold danforth music hall where her singing rocked my socks off - fischer is still chewing her hair off and i am still procrastinating and pretending i am not a phd student...

this is my trip - in a nutshell -

in other news i have recently discovered that you cannot access the Showtime Networks webpage in Canada - when i tried a message popped up and says exactly this

"We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States."

so when i wanted to see what time all my friends were gathering on east 3rd to watch the L word (cause who the hell knows what time the L word starts)i was told that my nation status was simply too much of a problem for them - which seems to be a theme in my life generally - fucking canada - always one step ahead


Blogger Terence said...

my nation status might be better than yours in terms of webpage viewing, but my heart status for thee is ten fold times eleventeen.

i might have mono, i might have strep, i might have fucked up things times nine, but my love for you is an organic thing that we can harvest together.

also, i am listening to liz phair's EXILE IN GUYVILLE and WHIP-SMART and it makes me happy.

happy, happy, happy.

again: i heart thee.

5:46 PM  

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