08 March 2007

dear winter 2007,

I WIN! I fucking kicked your S.A.D.-inducing ass to the floor and then mopped up your slop with your chest hair!!!

how does it feel to have a losing winter, dude??? how does it feel to know that i didn't stay in bed until 5pm? how does it feel to know i didn't head to the corner store for a six pack after i ate cereal, buddy???


i win! i win!

oh, hang on a sec. spring is calling me.

okay, i'm back.

spring just threatened me. but i didn't believe it, not for a second.

i'm all aces and roses and hot air balloons. i'm a million miles in the sky.

love and spitting in your face,

terence dee
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Blogger Unknown said...

dear terrence
i hope you are badgering diana about the fact that she has become blog slacker, she doesn't even have a broken computer as an excuse anymore....wtf!
glad to hear you're beating winter too.

7:11 PM  

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