28 July 2006

jeex louise - terence must be ready to kill me by now since it has taken me OH so long to post - but alas - i have spent WAY too much time in my car in the last 24 hours and i am finally back in my apartment in toronto ready to type as fast as humaly possible and write about random shit - (sigh of relief for being home sweet home) -

so i am just coming froma a sarah harmer show down on the harbourfront centre which was quite possibly the best show i have seen all year - if you don't know her i highly recommend her - but i ought to warn you that most folks should take my tast with a grain of salt - my ex always used to say that he never understood the logic in my taste in things - but then again - vicki from newfoundland said that there is not tast in logic - that's what makes it taste - so the point is that you should blame me if you hate it - ok - but i love the shit - and i thought i would share that at the very least - it was one of those magical music experiences when you hear the first note and a tear comes to your eye because its unreal that the person who you sing along to in your car at the top of your lungs is actually standing in front of you singing the songs that make life worth living - i cried alot at the end actually - me and sarah harmer songs have alot of baggage - its one of those kinds of things - i was moved and touched and had an inspiring moment that has become a little confusing for me - which is something that you might pick up in this blog - i am having a kinda sort existential freak out - i'm definitely having an academic freak out - thats for sure - but what my life is doing and where its going and where i am going all seem to be hanging in the air in between the space between my face and this laptop - and so i am constantly wanting to drop the phd crap and constantly wondering where the hell i should live and what the hell i should be doing and who will love me next and so on and so on - so when this pessimistic insanity is not appearing as a piece of shit tuesday morning not worth getting out of bed for and something good happens in my life for a change...i end of baffled not knowing what to do with it -

which leads me back to this feeling of inspiration - and what exactly to do with it - i thought about moving my furniture (random i know - but i am into visible change these days) - or maybe getting another piercing - maybe i should attempt to funnel this inspiration into my work but i hate my work right now so fuck that shit - which leaves me in a predicament of sorts -

what to do with this good amazing wonderful inspired feeling i have before i lose it -
perhaps i can leave you with this as a questions - terence - any ideas???

the previous blog was not read over before posting - so deal with the shitty grammar and just fuck off already about it - ok - i am not some fucking academic or something - jeez -
terence i miss you....

25 July 2006


diana gee and i, terence dee, welcome you to public jerks.

right now i am freaking out! excited about this sort of thing!!!

i am also freaking out about doing this sort of art with diana who is right now! freaking out about the chap tub (officially lip medex) that i threw at her and (after picking it up off the floor) applied to her lips! chapless no more!!! VICTORY!

diana gee is quite the person, and you'll see that as we go along here. i think she's aces.

i live in brooklyn, love the adventures of pete and pete (because it is in my dvd player right now) and have a cat named ollie (kitty yum yum). he's pretty fucking great.

take heed, friends: we are on the move.
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welcome to public jerks blog - i'm dianagee - and i will be one half of what this blog will become - the other half will be terencedee - my good friend and dear friend - he is quite possibly one of the most talented people i know and quite possibly the only good thing that came out of dating my exgirlfriend joanne - he absolutely astonishes me - at any rate - we are blogging together at last - we are going to take turns writing and responding and the like - so its going to be a mishmash of not just my thoughts and not just his thoughts - but a compilation that includes our friendship and our dynamic and the stuff that you get when you merge two peoples minds and hearts - i live in toronto where i do my phd and terence lives in brooklyn where he works and the like - we met in stony brook a long time ago - so yeah - this will be a wonderful way of continuing to grow as people and as friends when we are so far far away from eachother -

- there is no theme outside of talking about what we feel like talking about -its just us and thats it - word -

so welcome and i hope you enjoy -