hmm - where to begin - well first off - i will tell you that i am in love - i am head over heels in love - and almost all of my mental space has been taken up by the wonderful addition that my incredible partner has been in my life - his name is eric and he is fanfuckingtastic - he flies here all the fucking time and when his flight got canceled this weekend because of the sleet and hail and snow in nyc do you know what he did?? he got on a fucking bus - he got on a bus that took 12 hours to get him to buffalo before he got kicked off the bus for not having his birth certificate - he is amazing - he waited for 2 more hours before i picked him up in buffalo - he is a gem - he really is - so thats update number one - in love with the best person on earth - and he is my partner - i win!
the other thing that has kept me from blogging to you - oh blog of mine - is that i went without a computer for about a month - my lappy totally gave up on life and was done done done - which was ok cause it got me through my MA and all the way up to the middle of my PhD - which is pretty impressive - so i was working from york university - aka hell - and coming home and basically living without a computer - which was actually a healthy process for me- it made me restructure my work habits and life in a really good way - but then two weeks ago when eric was last here do you know what he did - he fucking brought me a computer - i told you he was a gem - i know you were thinking that he was pretty cool - but you dont even know the half of it - i mean - seriously - who flies with computers - so this blog is being typed on my new fancy mini mac - it rules - and now i am finally catching up on all my computer like business and am back on the blogging train - finally .....
my current state is somewhere in between complete smittenness and the lull of my academic apathy - its not that i am being lazy - its that feeling when you have to want to do the thing that needs to be done in order for it to get done - and all i want to do now is snuggle with my partner - not write my diss proposal - edit an article i am contributing too - do my research job - or mark 27 papers tomorrow -
no no no
i want it to be springtime already -
i want to eat chocolate on a ferry to loveville
i want to take photos with the sun shining on his freckled face
i want to listen to music that fills me up
i want to drive with the windows down and that music up and sing until i lose my voice
i guess its nice to want things